Rain FX
Rain Effects created with water tankers, curtains of rain for windows or television cameras, auctions with nozzles for rain for 10 meters of height.
Confetti Rain
Confetti rain with fan machine to down
Cellulose Snow
The snow with cellulose is do by means of a machine that stirs snow cellulose with water and creates a uniform artificial snow mantle.
Once rested it is made to dry and it remains rigid and it dry. Once dried we have the possibility to do it also waterproof.
Freezing Snow FX
Artificial freezing made with special liquids and gases in order to recreate an effect of realistic freezing also on things and people.
Foam Snow
Snow effect with Artificial snow foam machines. The machines have a 20 meters range in wind absence. Our snow is certifyd, does not get dirty, does not damage plants or things, dermatological tested dermatological and biodegradable 100%.
Sintetic Snow
The Synthetic snowed are produced with Machines that can create a continuously effect with range from 5mt to 20mt in wind absence. Our synthetic snow has an equal specific weight to the true snow, not dirty, it does not bathe, Flameproof and it is certified for the European norms.
Paper Snow
The snowed Paper is produced with blower or fall machines. The blower cover approximately superficial of 20mt x 5mt. The fall machines cover superficial of approximately 3mt of diameter. The snow paper can be of several formats, or 0,5cm x 05cm or badly cut. All the types of snow paper are exclusively flameproof. The cars can be dimmer or controlled in DMX.
Wind effect
Powerful machines able to recreate wind, breeze and ambience effects
Fog effect
Practice to create foggy space, can be used both outdoors and indoors.